What’s growing what slowing in November 2020.
Summer is all about Fruit. Currently, there’s great supply of Blueberries, Bananas, Papaya and Valencia Oranges. Lemons and Limes are available but expensive. Mangoes still coming out of the NT, expect the first QLD varieties mid-month and expect prices to drop significantly.
The star of summer, stone fruit, will start putting an appearance in mid-November, remembering organics have shorter seasons than conventional produce. Nectarines and Peaches will be first off the rank, followed by Cherries, Apricots and Plums later in the month.
Drought conditions are much improved this year, so expect a much better Summer season than in 2019.
We’re really looking forward to the first taste of Qld mangoes!

Vegetables have a bit of a hard time in summer. Brassicas become short in supply and there is always a transitional short fall, when the northern regions finish and the southern regions are due to start. This year is no exception, Broccoli has been particularly short this year with demand far out stripping supply and prices going through the roof. Cauliflower, has been similarly affected, as had Cabbage and Kale, just not quite to the same extent.
Traditionally, Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes get a little short around Christmas, but this year there appears to be more around. Pumpkin is expensive, but expect volumes and prices to improve as the month continues. Asparagus is in full swing as are salad greens coming out of regional Victoria.
Remember to eat all of your colours and have a great November.
The Team at United Organics